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Weekend in Finland, 18-20.08.2023

🏆What a weekend we had in Finland! Firstly, here is a photo of our sleepy half-naked show team after the 3rd hot showday yesterday with all of their beautiful rosettes!
I have so many amazing emotions after four days and 1135.4km in Finland, that I could explode, so I try to keep it short! Also I need to mention fast that I´m more than proud and it is just still a bit unbelievable what those three achieved, I was just proud to hold the show lead! ❤
18.08.2023 Joensuu National Dog Show (32 labradors)
Labradors were judged by Katja Korhonen, FIN
💙Pramentos Candytuft Of Spring “Robbie” 2nd excellent in junior class out of five beautiful junior males.
❤Bellissima Ragazza Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury “Ragazza” 1st in champion class (without cq, because she is not in full coat).
💜Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsunami” 1st with cq in veteran class our of two lovely veteran girls, VET CAC, BOB Veteran and Best Female 3!
19.08.2023 Joensuu International Dog Show (41 labradors)
Labradors were judged by Virpi Montonen, FIN
💙Pramentos Candytuft Of Spring “Robbie” 1st in junior class with cq out of six, JUN CAC, JCACIB, BOS Junior and Best Male 3 with RES CAC! This was Robbies first and last chance to get his last JCACIB and he did it! He is now BRAND NEW C.I.B.-J! I was so happy that I just started to cry and my hands started to shake! So happy and SO proud of our stunning babyboy! And to win out of all those lovely junior boys, a true honour! ❤
❤Bellissima Ragazza Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury “Ragazza” 1st in champion class with cq out ot two lovely girls. Then she ran herself to Best Female with CACIB and FIN CAC and BOS and closed her FINNISH CHAMPION title! So proud of my sweet girl, she is a true star, no wonder her children and grandchildren have their grannys showgene, easy and enjoyable to show, always shining and moving like a dream! So happy and proud! What a day! ❤
💜Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsunami” 2nd excellent with cq in veteran class our of 4 lovely veteran girls. Shown beautifully by Robbies sweet owner Johanna! ❤
20.08.2023 Joensuu National Dog Show (41 labradors)
Labradors were judged by Paavo Mattila, FIN
💙Pramentos Candytuft Of Spring “Robbie” 1st excellent cq in junior class, JUN CAC, BOB Junior and Best Male 2 with RES CAC. Robbie showed himself like a true proffessional and oh oh boy, I love how this youngster moves! Super proud of him! ❤
❤Bellissima Ragazza Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury “Ragazza” 1st in champion class with cq out ot two lovely girls. Showed very nicely to Best Female 4 by Johanna, thank you! ❤
💜Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsunami” 1st excellent cq in veteran class out of 3 sweet girls, VET CAC and BOB Veteran, then this crazy girl managed to ran herself to Best Female and BOS, took FIN CAC and closed her FINNISH CHAMPION title, being almost 10 years old! If this is not special, I don´t know what is! I could have not be more proud, had tears in my eyes, she is just so special and crazy in every possible way! WHAT A WEEKEND! ❤
So thankful for Johanna, for being the best travelling buddy and for the love and care you have for Robbie, we are both so, so lucky to have you in our small Pramentos family! ❤
Also thank you Janika, for the company and the judges for appreciateing my dogs! ❤
The shows were organized so smoothly and there were so much space to put the tent and so much room to walk the dogs and free space to see the showrings etc. I was so stunned by this, amazing work! Also every single person I met was so sweet and polite and friendly and helpful, we really felt super welcomed there, you don´t get it often, especially when you win something. 🙈 And people were so sincere to congratulate etc. So heartwarming, thank you everyone for the support! ❤
And I love driving in Finland, it is just so beautiful! Also love my sweet white Four-Wheeled Friend, always safe travels! ❤
We will be back very soon! 🇫🇮

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