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15.09.2018 Latvian Retrievers Speciality Show

Wow, what an ending we had to our showyear for 2018!
15.09.2018, Latvian Retrievers Speciality Show, judged by Torunn Sørbye, Mementos labradors, Norway:

Waterline´s Candy Crush “Andy”- 1/4 in intermediate class, together with BEST MALE + LV CAC, BEST OF BREED & BEST IN SHOW III! (left on the photo)
Edlen House Annona “Gracey” – 1/5 in intermediate class, BB/3 + LV CAC.
Bellissima Ragazza ZGHM “Ragazza” – 1/4 in working class with excellent, cq.
Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsunami” – 2/5 in champion class, BB/4..
Divladjo Nation Of Freedom “Nora” – 4/5 in champion class with excellent.

Andy & Ragazza together BIS II BRACE!

Thank you, everyone involved, for an amazing showyear 2018!

Photo by: Kļaviņas Photos

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