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Show weekend with Ragazza.

We had a lovely show weekend in Finland & Estonia with Ragazza.

30.06.18 Labrador Retriever Speciality Show in Finland
Females were judged by Manuel Queijeiro

Bellissima RAGAZZA Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury who decided to lose most of her lovely yellow coat, was placed 4th in a quite big working class – Thank You, Eva, for showing our princess!

01.07.18 Group Speciality Show in Tartu, Estonia
Labradors were judged by Andrzej Szutkiewicz, Poland

Bellissima RAGAZZA Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury – ex1, cq in working class, Best Female with CAC & Best Of Opposite 

Ragazza is now brand new EST CH, getting her one and only needed CAC from the first possible show! 

Thank you, everyone, for a nice weekend! 

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