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07.04.2018 Latvian Retrievers Speciality Show

On 7th of April we visited Latvia, one of my favourite speciality shows and results were smashing!
We had a breeder judge Barbara Krumpak, Slovenia.

Our results were following:
Waterline´s Candy Crush “Andy” – ex/1, cq in junior class, jCAC, BEST MALE, BEST OF BREED, BISS III
He closed his Latvian and Baltic Junior Champion and got the title Latvian Junior Club Winner´18. 

Bellissima Ragazza Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury “Ragazza” – ex/3 in intermediate class.

Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsuumi” – ex/1, cq in working class, BOB working dog, BEST FEMALE 3, BISS I Working Dog! 

Andy & Ragazza – were first time shown in Couple competition and they took BIS III Brace from 6 other couples! 

Edlen House Annona “Gracey” – ex/3, cq in junior class (out of 11).

Divladjo Nation Of Freedom “Nora” – ex/3 in champion class.

BOB, BISS III Waterline´s Candy Crush — BOS Lauminas Lady Chocolate

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