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27-28.01.18 Finnish Speciality & Narva CAC

We had a lovely show-weekend!

27.01.18 we went to Finnish LRC Main Specialty Show with Andy and Gracey. 
Males were judged by Alena Krutska, Czech Republic & junior females by Barbara Krumpak, Slovenia.
Results were following:
Waterline´s Candy Crush “Andy” Winner of the Junior class (19 males) and “Best Male 5” with reserve-CAC! (out of about 72 males)
Edlen House Annona “Gracey” rocked in female junior class, when she was among best 7 junior girls out of 34! 

28.01.18 we travelled to Narva (Estonia), for a national dog show, labradors were judged by Goran Gladic, Serbia.
Results were following:
Waterline´s Candy Crush “Andy” – ex/1, cq, JCAC and BOS Jun.
Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsunami” – ex/1, cq in CH class, Best Female & BOS
Edlen House Annona “Gracey” – ex/3, cq in junior class
Andy & Tsunami in a Couple competition, BOB and BIS 3 Couple!

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