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2x CAC weekend in Lithuania

Better late than never, some show news from 2-3.12.17. We were participating on national shows in Lithuania.
First day judged by Renata Petkeviciene (LT), second day Irina Azen (BY)
Waterline´s Candy Crush “Andy” first time in junior class – 2x BOB Junior, 2x LT jcac – Brand new LT JCH, only 9months old!
Bellissima Ragazza Z Grodu Hrabiego Malmesbury “Ragazza” last time in junior class- first day excellent 2/4, second day 1/4 (only exellent in class) got her needed jcac and she is now Brand new LT & BALT JCH!
Tsunami Bella Mare “Tsuumi” – ex/1 in working class on the first day and ex/2 in champion class on the second
(she decided to loose all of her coat before our showtrip.

This was our last show this year – we had a pretty lovely show-year!
See you next year!

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