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26.08.17 Labrador Club Show in Finland

We visited LRC Club Show in Finland, with 195 entries. I´m just a huuuge fan of this kind of shows and I have wanted to go there for many years, and now I finally had an opportunity to participate.

First we had Gracey out in Puppy III class, out of 10 lovely dogs she took 4th place! Congrats, Reilika, you two were beautiful!

Andy was out in huge Puppy I class and out of 19 lovely puppyboys he took 3rd place! I´m super happy and proud! Big, Thank you, to our judge, Anastasia Egorova, for thinking so highly of our little yellow baby!

Tsunami was out in very nice and strong champion class and out of 11 she also took 3rd place! So proud of her! Thank you, to our judge, Mette Alstrup, for that!

And finally, ANDY & TSUNAMI took BEST IN SHOW BRACE!!!
WOW, out of many other lovely braces! ❤️ Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou!

Thank you so much, to all people involved organizing this lovely show, and Reilika & Erkki!



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