Tsunami Bella Mare
Estonian Junior Champion
Latvian Junior Champion
Lithuanian Junior Champion
Baltic Junior Champion
Estonian Champion
Latvian Champion
Lithuanian Champion
Baltic Champion
Finnish Champion
Estonian Veteran Champion
Latvian Veteran Champion
Lithuanian Veteran Champion
Baltic Veteran Champion
Tallinn Winter Cup Winner´16
Latvian Club Winner´16
Lithuanian Veteran Winner´22
Latvian Club Veteran Winner´23
Estonian Veteran Winner´23
International Working Certificate

(Anal sac gland: adenocarcinoma with intravascular tumor emboli)
“Run free my Queen Bee, you may be gone from the sight, but you will always be deep in my heart
I know, that you will always be watching over me together with Dassu now – one day we will meet again!
She was the kindest, smartest, happiest, the most positive dog I have ever known. There was not a single thing she wasn´t good at, she was perfect for me in every possible way. Every time we went somewhere, to the dog show, shopping, just walking on the streets or to the clinic, people were immediately in love with her, cause she was just spreading kindness, happiness and love everywhere and to everyone!
She was just so special, that there is not enough words to describe her! She was a girl with that very special spark, with so much happiness inside of her! She always needed to have a toy or two or three in her mouth, or a slipper, whatever was near-by, just so much happiness! Her non-stop wagging tail was kinda famous and always living it´s own life, even when she took her last breath in my arms, she wagged it, as a good-bye, for one last time!
When she got older, she came out, as a winner, from so many health related stuff, I was always probably more worried than her. She even won a battle with this cancer for a year, but sadly even the strongest are not able to win a war with this highly malignant and highly invasive tumor.
My Queen Bee, my rock! I will Love you forever and I miss you so badly, that is hurts!”
Thank you, Sonia, for trusting me with the most special girl ever lived!”
breeder: Sonia Czajor (kennel Bella Mare, Poola)
eeBB (yellow, doesn´t carry chocolate)
HD: B/C, ED: 0/0 (06.05.2015)
Eyes: PostPolar HC (26.02.18 ECVO)
– sadly, she won´t be used in breeding because of that –
CNM – clear
CMS – clear
EIC – clear
HE – clear
MH – clear
HNPK – clear
HUU – clear
PKD – clear
SD2 – clear
XLMTM – clear
prcd-PRA – carrier
Narcolepsy – clear
169 additional disease mutations found in other breeds were also tested – all clear
Full dentition
12-generation COI 5.15%.
Qualified on the field = International working certificate
(25.10.14 Ellamaa, judge: Ossi Kähärä, Finland)
NOME-B – beginners 2nd prize
(02.07.17 Ellamaa, judge: Tuija Hukkanen, Finland)
Mõned näitusetulemused veteraniklassis/Some Dog Show Results in veteran class:
08.09.2024 Retrievers Speciality Show Estonia (veteran) – ex/2, cq
Ewa Kotowska (Poland) “almost 11 years, excellent condition, sweet lovely head, good front & rear angulations, excellent bone, good deep chest, excellent topline & tailset, moves like a dream in this age, excellent temperament & presentation.”
18.08.2024 Retrievers Speciality Show Estonia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, BOB vet, BISS I Veteran
Hans Stigt (The Netherlands) “10.5 years, lovely veteran bitch with a lovely head, correct proportions, keen expression, bite ok, strong neck, level topline, correct angulations, excellent bone, feet and barrel ribcage, super temperament, topline could be stronger on the move but covers the ground on the move.”
04.06.2023 International Dog Show “Estonian Winner´23” (veteran) -ex/1, cq, vetCACIB, BOB Veteran, EST VetW´23
Bruno Facq (France) “lovely veteran, excellent condition, good topline, tailset, excellent ribcage, bone and feet, moves well.”
03.06.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, BOB Veteran
Siv Sando (Norway) “9 years old, strong, very well kept, excellent proportions, strong back, well set tail, beautiful head, lovely teeth, excellent coat, moves very well, excellent temperament.”
13.05.2023 Retriever Speciality Show in Latvia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, BOS Veteran, Latvian Club Veteran Winner´23
Kaca Kacian (Croatia) “9.5 years old yellow, lovely girl, beautiful head and expression, excellent neck & topline, correct angulations, excellent bone & feet, excellent coat quality, very nice happy temperament, very nice movement.
17.12.2022 Estonian Kennel Union Christmas Puppy and Veteran Show (veteran) – ex/1, BOB Veteran BEST IN SHOW II Veteran
Tiina Taulos (Finland) “9years, strong with correct proportions, lots of substance, beautiful head & expression, excellent tail, correct topline, which she still keeps, elegant mover.”
24.09.2022 International Dog Show in Tallinn, Estonia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, vetCACIB, BOB Veteran, BB/3
Lidija Oklešcen (Slovenia) “excellent type, nice head shape, excellent neck and topline, well set tail, excellent angulations, good coat quality, moves very well.”
10.09.2022 Retriever Speciality Show in Latvia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, vetCAC, BB/5, BOB Veteran, BEST IN SPECIALITY SHOW Veteran
Beata Petkevich (Latvia) “Excellent breed type, excellent condition, perfect silhouette, feminine, excellent head proportions, excellent neck positioning, compact nice paws, excellent working tail, excellent temperament.“