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Pramentos Ocean Dream Diamond


Estonian Champion*
Latvian Champion*

Estonian Labrador Club Winner´24*
Latvian Club Winner

2.5 years

eeBB (yellow male, doesn´t carry chocolate)

D.O.B: 26.10.2018
breeder/owner: Pille-Riin Sepp, Estonia

HD: A ED: 3 (puppyhood trauma in right elbow) (25.02.2020)
Eyes: CLEAR (25.02.2020)
EIC – clear by parentage
HNPK – clear by parentage
prcd-PRA – clear by parentage


Work: training for obedience and field work.


Näitusetulemused / Dog Show results:

02.06.2024 Labrador Retriever Speciality Show (open) – ex/1, cq, BM/1, BEST OF BREED
 Linda Harvey Major (United Kingdom) “beautifully balanced throughout, well constructed head with gentle expression, clean in neck with good reach, correct shoulders, lovely topline & tailset, good turn of stiffle, covered ring freely.”

11.05.2024 Retrievers Speciality Show in Latvia (open) – ex/1, cq, BM/1, CAC, BOS – CL W´24
Gerda Groeneweg (Netherlands) “good quality dog, very nice breed type, strong musculine head with kind expression, well pigmented, good ear set, …, strong muzzle, lovely neck, shoulders, strong topline, enough forechest, … ribs, well angulated, nice bone and feet, happy otter tail, moves well.” 

03.09.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (open) – ex/1, cq, BM/1, BOS
Jan Roger Sauge (Norway) “big strong dog, excellent breed type, masculine head, lovely neck, front & bone, level topline, strong hingquaters, moves really well around, showes in good coat, well presented.” 

10.09.2022 Retriever Speciality Show in Latvia (open) – ex/2, cq, BM/5, CAC
Beata Petkevich (Latvia) “Scissor bite, missing left canine (has sertificate), masculine with excellent bones, would like a bit more compact body, masculine head, a little bit deep stop, good head length and jawline, good pigmentation, long but nice neck, correct topline, very good angulations in front, good depth of ribcage, good front paws, excellent tail set, would wish for shorter coat, good depth of back upperleg, good temperament and good movement.”

20.02.2022 National Dog Show in Estonia (open) – ex/1, cq, BM/2, CAC
Boris Spoljaric (Croatia) “3,5 years old, good bite, nice head, very good topline, good front, body lovely, good angulations, reach, drive, lovely temperament.”

12.09.2020 Retriever Speciality Show in Latvia (intermediate) – ex/1, cq, BM/5
Riita Liisa Lehtonen (Finland) 
“excellent type & size, masculine head, strong bone, well angulated behind, could have longer & better angulation of upperarm, excellent neck, topline & tailset, excellent coat, moves well, very well presented.”

06.09.2020 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (intermediate) – ex/2, cq
Viveca Lahokoski (Finland) “well developed dog, bit long in body, shown in excellent condition, lovely head with well formed skull, excellent strong neck, well laid back shoulders, bit short in upperarm, excellent bone, excellent width of thight, parallel movements, nice on side, lovely temperament, well presented.”

08.08.2020 VIII & IX group Speciality Show in Estonia (intermediate) – ex/1, cq, BM/1, BOS
Igoris Zizevskis (Lithuania) “heavy, strong bone & body, typical head, proud skull, strong neck & topline, volumind chest, correct set limbs, good movement.”

02.06.2019 International Dog Show “Estonian Winner´19” (puppy) – vp/1, PP, BOB Puppy
Fiona Coward-Scholes (United Kingdom) “proportional head with a good skull, correct topline and tail set, straight front, well musculine, I love when he is moving well.”

24.03.2019 National Dog Show in Tallinn (baby) – vp/1, PP, BOS Baby
Kornelija Butrimova (Lithuania) “excellent type, strong bones, correct head proportions, nice expression, nice front, nice neck & topline & underline, excellent tail, good temperament & presentation.”