Pramentos Candytuft Of Spring
Estonian Junior Champion
Lithuanian Junior Champion
Latvian Junior Champion
Baltic Junior Champion
Finnish Junior Champion
Estonian Champion*
Tallinn Winter Cup Junior Winner 2023
Qualified for Crufts 2024!

yellow male
D.O.B 06.04.2022
co-owner: Johanna Brigite Verro, Estonia
HD: A/A ED: 0/0
Eyes: CLEAR (30.05.2023)
EIC – clear by parentage
HNPK – clear by parentage
prcd-PRA – clear by parentage
Work: training for obedience and field work.
Näitusetulemused / Dog Show results:
13.04.2024 International Dog Show “Tallinn Winner 2024” (open) – ex/1, cq, BM/3, CAC, res-CACIB=CACIB
Maija Lehtonen (Finland) “2 years, excellent type & proportions, correct bone, beautiful head & expression, correct bite, good topline, excellent chest, well angulated, easy movement, excellent coat texture.”
01.10.2023 VIII Group Show in Latvia (junior) – ex/1, jCAC, BM/1, BOB, BEST IN SHOW I
Livija Zizevske (Lithuania) “excellent type, well boned, excellent typical head and expression, excellent pigmentation, correct set neck, enough strong topline, good set tail, deep & long chest, enough correct front, very strong rear angulations, good balanced movement, excellent coat & temperament.”
24.09.2023 National Dog Show in Finland (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, BOBJ, BM/1, CAC, BOB
Marjo Jaakkola (Finland)
23.09.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Finland (junior) – ex/4
Anna Geschwindt Eriksson (Sweden) “strongly built male, excellent size and proportions, lovely head with kind expression, excellent reach of neck, well angulated in front and rear, strong bones, good feet, excellent ribcage, lovely topline and tailset, low set hocks, good hind quarters, moves well, good coat texture, but not in full bloom today, lovely temperament”
09.09.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Latvia (junior) – ex/3
Tiina Illukka (Finland) “excellent type & size, lovely head & expression, good topline, little short in upperarm, strong bone, good coat & tail, moves & shows well.”
03.09.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (junior) – ex/3
Jan Roger Sauge (Norway) “excellent breed type, attractive head, good neck, short upperarm, good bone & feet, strong back, good hind quaters, moves well, double coat.”
20.08.2023 National Dog Show in Joensuu, Finland (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, BOBJ, BM/2, resCAC
Paavo Mattila (Finland)
19.08.2023 International Dog Show in Joensuu, Finland (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, jCACIB, BOSJ, BM/3, resCAC
Virpi Montonen (Finland)
03.06.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (junior) – ex/2
Siv Sando (Norway) “very well developed strong junior, beautiful masculine head, good pigmentation, lovely expression, slightly short in neck, bit straight in upper arm, good proportions in body, good topline, strong rear, excellent coat, good bone and feet, moves very well for age, lovely temperament.”
27.05.2023 International Dog Show In Moletai, Lithuania – ex/1, jCAC, jCACIB, BOBJ, Crufts Qualification 2024!
Daiva Strepetkaite (Lithuania)
19.02.2023 National Dog Show in Tallinn, Estonia (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, BOSJ, BM/2
Perttu Stahlberg (Finland) “well balanced, good strenght, ok proportions, nice head and expression, well shaped body and angulations, not in best coat, very nice mover.”
18.02.2023 International Dog Show “Tallinn Winter Cup 2023” (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, jCACIB, BOBJ, BM/3, TLNWCupJW´23
Arne Foss (Norway) “10 months in total balance, masculine without being coarse, very handsome in head, mild expression, good stop, good bones and feet, nice neck, topline and tailset, well presented coat, normal texture for age, correct otter tail, moves very well, lovely temperament.”
28.01.2023 8 & 9 Group Speciality Show in Pisisaare, Estonia (junior) – ex/1, cq, jCAC, BOBJ, BM/1, BOB, BEST IN SHOW II JUNIOR
Eva Nielsen (Sweden) “nice dog, masculine head with nice expression, promising coat texture, needs to get more forechest & fill out, moves well from side, a bit close in front movement.”
17.12.2022 Estonian Kennel Union Christmas Puppy and Veteran Show (puppy) – vp/1, pp, BOB Puppy
Tiina Taulos (Finland) “8 months, masculine with correct proportions, good bone, very nice head, lovely expression, good substance, straight upper-arm, beautiful tight feet, good strong behind, moving okay.”
22.10.2022 International Dog Show in Estonia (puppy) – vp/1, pp, BOB Puppy
Annika Ullveit-Moe (Sweden) “6.5 months, very nice expression, good head, very good body, bone and feet, nice balance front and rear, good tail carriage, promising coat.“
15.10.2022 National Dog Show in Rakvere (puppy) – vp/1, pp, BOB Puppy
Zorica Blomqvist (Sweden) “well developed & presented, good head & pigment, strong muscular body, correct angulations, excellent presentation in the ring, very promising.“
24.09.2022 International Dog Show in Estonia (baby) – vp/1, pp, BOB Baby, BEST IN SHOW I BABY!
Lidija Oklešcen (Slovenia) “excellent type and body proportions, very nice clean head, excellent neck and topline, well set tail, correct angulations, standing parallel, moves very soundly, he is a future star!“
10.09.2022 Retrievers Speciality Show in Latvia (baby) – vp/1, pp, BOB Baby, BISS I Baby
Beata Petkevica (Latvia) “5 months old, excellent breed type, excellent teeth change for his age, correct format, good bones, very breed type head and excellent proportions, soft expression, dark brown eyes, excellent lips, good wide muzzle, excellent topline, excellent ribs, deep loin, excellent otter tail, excellent front movements, a bit loose elbows, excellent temperament and wonderfully shown.“
20.08.2022 International Dog Show in Estonia (baby) – vp/1, pp, BOB Baby, BEST IN SHOW III Baby
Christian Jouanchicot (France) “correct bite, excellent type, nice head with excellent expression, excellent ear carriage & shape, dark eyes, a little toeing in, correct chest & rear, excellent tail shape, correct side movement, still loose in front.“
19.08.2022 Labrador Retriever Speciality Show in Estonia (baby) – vp/1, pp, BOB Baby
Kaca Kacian (Croatia) “lovely yellow puppy, 4 months old, good head & expression, excellent pigmentation and eye colour, lovely neck & topline, correct front angulations, but prefer better back, excellent coat quality, nice bones & feet, lovely temperament.“