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Pramentos Both Ease And Style


 Latvian Club Junior Winner´20

2.5 years.

yellow male


(Lyme Disease (Lyme Borreliosis) – affected brain/nervous system, sadly didn´t response to treatment and lead to inflammation in the brain and later brain death)


“Life is very unfair sometimes. He took Hardi from his family and from us way too soon. He was a very sweet, active, healthy and happy boy, living his best life with his sweet family. I will always remember him as this happy and goofy baby, who looked stunning, he had a sweet soul and he loved everyone. He loved swimming, playing, growing up he was always happy with his wagging tail and a smile on his face. Our Home felt a little empty, when he moved in with his family. He was and always will be very special to me and I will always be thankful, that he chose me to be his breeder.
My biggest condolences to his family, who miss him so much. Thank you, for caring about him so much, for the love and care, for being the best family for him, I´m forever grateful for all the love and I know Hardi lived his best life with you! You will always be part of our Pramentos family!

They took him way too soon and the heaven seems to be in desperate need of Angels.
Run Free darling, I know you will have lots of fun up there with Damaskus & Tsunami!”

HD: A, ED: 0 (07.03.2022)
Eyes: CLEAR (07.03.2022)
EIC – clear by parentage
HNPK – clear by parentage
prcd-PRA – clear by parentage
Full dentition


Näitusetulemused / Dog Show results:

28.01.2023 8 & 9 Group Speciality Show in Pisisaare, Estonia (open) – ex/1, cq, CAC, BM/3
Eva Nielsen (Sweden) “masculine dog with good proportions, masculine head, nice profile, nice ears, well angulated, a bit soft in topline, good coat, could have stronger pads, good body, moves well, very typical.”

12.09.2020 Retriever Speciality Show in Latvia (junior) – ex/1, cq, CAC, Club Junior Winner´20 BM/4
Riita Liisa Lehtonen (Finland) 
“in excellent type, beautiful head, strong pigment, well balanced, good bone, excellent coat & tail, excellent head & topline, moves well.”

12.09.2020 Retriever Speciality Show in Estonia (junior) – ex/2, cq, jCAC
Viveca Lahokoski (Finland) “9months young, well developed but long in body, beautiful head and expression, nice pigmentation, excellent neck, good topline, nice bone, excellent hindquaters, bit narrow hind movements, but they are parallel, nice temperament.”

16.08.2020 International Dog Show in Estonia (puppy) – vp/1, BOB puppy
Ramune Kazlauskaite (Lithuania) “8.5 months old big male, strong bones, correct condition, nice head, strong muzzle, correct topline, deep chest, a bit loose elbows, correct angulations, free movement, good coat.”