08.09.2024 Retrievers Speciality Show Estonia (working) – ex/1, cq, BOB working, BF/2
Ewa Kotowska (Poland) “8years old girl in excellent condition, excellent body proportions, bone, coat, deep chest, still moves with reach and drive, excellent coat quality, good temperament, good presentation.”
17.08.2024 International Dog Show “Baltic Winner´24” in Estonia (veteran) – ex/1, cq, vetCAC, vet-CACIB, BOB Vet, BF/1, BOS
Anne-Berith Waskaas (Norway) “8years old, beautiful type, lovely head and expression, very good neck and topline, correct otter tail, excellent forechest, bone, feet, well made body, moves freely for age, congratulations to owner!”
03.09.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (working) – ex/2
Jan Roger Sauge (Norway) “beautiful bitch, but a bit heavy today, lovely head & expression, long neck, super front, bit soft in topline, strong hindquaters, moves really well, double coat, super showy temperament.”
03.06.2023 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (working) – ex/1, cq, BOB Working Dog, BIS II Working Dog
Siv Sando (Norway) “excellent breed type, lots of substance, super proportions, beautiful head, well angulated front and rear, excellent coat, bone and feet, moves very well.”