Pramentos Millenium Star Diamond
Estonian Junior Champion
Estonian Champion*
Tallinn Winter Cup Winner 2023

eeBB (yellow female, doesn´t carry chocolate)
D.O.B: 26.10.2018
owner: Kady Adamson, Estonia
HD: A ED: 0 (25.02.2020)
Eyes: CLEAR (25.02.2020)
EIC – clear by parentage
HNPK – clear by parentage
prcd-PRA – clear by parentage
Proud mommy of our SPRING litter.
Näitusetulemused / Dog Show Results:
19.02.2023 National Dog Show in Tallinn, Estonia (open) – ex/1, cq, BB/2
Perttu Stahlberg (Finland) “correct type and proportions, good strenght, feminine head and expression, straight upperarm, better angulated in rear, not in coat today, very nice mover and temperament.”
18.02.2023 International Dog Show “Tallinn Winter Cup 2023” (junior) – ex/1, cq, BB/1, CACIB, BOS
Arne Foss (Norway) “lovely female, well balanced, strong yet feminine, lovely head shape, mild expression, good bone, typical neckline, a fraction long in loin, but she collects herself very well on the move, really balanced mover with good reach and drive, correct coat texture, correct tail, lovely temperament and presentation.”
19.02.2022 “Tallinn Winter Cup´22” (open) – ex/1, cq, BB/2, res-CACIB
Siret Lepasaar (Estonia) “strong bones, well developed muscles, flat scull, strong muzzle, correct topline, happy tail, bit too front placed shoulders, well shaped feet, moves with power, correct coat structure.”
04.09.2021 II & VIII group Speciality Show in Estonia (open) – ex/1, sq, BB/1, CAC, BOS
Yvonne Jaussi (Switzerland) “very typical balanced bitch, correct size, beautiful feminine head, dark eyes, long clean neck, excellent front angulation, deep chest, level topline, short strong loin, excellent tailset and carriage, excellent rear angulation, moves with drive, very well shown.”
08.09.2019 Retrievers Speciality Show in Estonia (junior) – ex/2, cq
Siv Sando (Norway) “very feminine, excellent breed type, sweet head & expression, lovely neck & shoulder, well developed body in excellent condition, super topline, good tail, good bone & feet, efficient movement, super temperament.”
24.03.2019 National Dog Show in Tallinn (baby) – vp/1, PP, BOB Baby
Kornelija Butrimova (Lithuania) “excellent type, correct head, strong bones, nice front, correct topline & underline, nice temperament.”
23.03.2019 National Dog Show in Tallinn (baby) – vp/2, PP
Kristiine Uspenski (Estonia) “4.5 months, excellent type, feminine head, very good topline, balanced angulations, excellent movement, when not having fun, excellent coat, excellent bones and temperament.”